Class assignments list
Great Books
For all great books assignments please see All years should have the first reading done for our first week of tutorial.
GBT I students should see the paper guides for instructions on writing their papers- There are weekly questions to help you prepare for our discussions- Please keep a written notebook or word processor file containing your answers to the weekly questions. At the end of the semester, you will need to mail me a copy of your notebook or email it to me if it has been kept in a word processor file. Please watch my intro to GBT I video.
For the first tutorial, please read the definitions, postulates and common notions at the beginning of book I of Euclid's Elements. Also read propositions 1-3 of book I in the Elements. Be prepared to discuss your understanding of this material. At the end of class each week, I will assign the propositions for the following week. We will do approximately six propositions a week. If you were not in class to receive the assignment or forgot it, you can find it on the geometry page.Greek
Please memorize and type the Greek alphabet. Use this video.Shakespeare
Please read the first act of Much Ado About Nothing.