Summarize the life of a character, showing his or her character.

Please write from 750-1000 words on this topic.


1.   Choose a character from any piece of literature we have read thus far.
2.  Go through the text and make a list of quotes and incidents about this character. Look at how this character interacts with other characters and situations.

3.      Next, make a list of this character’s qualities, good or bad.

4.     Now, compare your lists and figure out which examples from the text best illustrate this character’s qualities.    

5.     You are ready to start on your rough draft at this point.  Avoid mere summary.  In other words, do not just retell the story.  This will result in a poor paper which does not fulfill the assignment.  Instead, you should use the text as support to illustrate the nature of this character.  

Please see http://www.gbt.org/englitwritguide.htm for more specific ideas about essay structure and pitfalls to avoid.