Classical Curriculum Guide
This list contains the writings that have generally been held to be the core of Western intellectual history. They provide an excellent opportunity to understand and critique the influences that have shaped Western culture. Unless we teach our children to understand the past, we have not given them the tools to critique the present with a biblical world view. These books have been organized in a loosely historical sequence with a few exceptions being made for pedagogical reasons. To print this table properly, please set your left and right margins to zero under "page setup."
Year | Great Books | History Topics | Math/Sci. | Language |
1st | HOMER- Iliad, Odyssey AESCHYLUS- Agamemnon Eumenides, Libation Bearers SOPHOCLES- Oedipus Rex Oedipus at Colonus, Antigone ARISTOTLE- Poetics PLUTARCH- Greek Lives HERODOTUS- The History PLATO- Gorgias, Meno, Euthyphro Apology, Crito, Phaedo CLEMENT- Exhortation to Greeks |
Delian League Solon, Lycurgus Pericles Alcibiades, Lysander Persian War Thermopylae, Salamis Marathon, Plataea Darius I, Xerxes I |
Algebra 1 Life |
ANCIENT Greek Hebrew Latin |
2nd | THUCYDIDES- Peloponnesian War PLATO- Republic, Theatetus ARISTOTLE- Physics, De Anima Metaphysics, Nicomachean Ethics VIRGIL - Aeneid PLUTARCH- Roman Lives TACITUS- Annals LUCRETIUS- On the Nature of Things ATHANASIUS- On the Incarnation |
Peloponnesian War Philip II, Alexander Roman Republic Augustus Caesars Roman Expansion Constantine |
Euclid's Elements Physical |
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3rd | AUGUSTINE- Confessions, City of God ANSELM- Proslogium, Monologium, Cur Deus Homo AQUINAS- Summa Theologica DANTE - Divine Comedy CHAUCER- Canterbury Tales SHAKESPEARE- As You Like It; Henry IV, Part I; Richard II MACHIAVELLI- The Prince |
Church fathers- Augustine, Origen Tertullian Justin Martyr, Polycarp Church Councils- Lyons Nicaea, Constantinople Rise of Islam Holy Roman Empire Roman Catholic Church Orthodox Church |
"Euclidian Geometry" Biology |
4th | CERVANTES- Don Quixote CALVIN- Institutes LUTHER- Commentary on Galatians BACH- St. Matthew Passion MONTAIGNE- Essays BACON- Novum Organon DESCARTES- Discourse on Method, Meditations PASCAL- Pensee MILTON- Paradise Lost SPINOZA- Monadology, Ethics HUME- Treatise on Human Nature VERMEER- Woman Holding a Balance SWIFT- Gulliver's Travels AUSTEN- Emma, Pride and Prejudice |
Crusades Ottoman Empire Renaissance Reformation 30 Years War English Political History Rise of Proquizantism Huguenots American Puritans |
Alg. 2 Chemistry |
Shakespeare MODERN German French Spanish |
5th | LOCKE- Second Treatise on Government ROUSSEAU - Discourse, Social Contract SHAKESPEARE- The Tempest KANT- Prolegomena Foundation of Metaphysics of Morals LOCKE- Treatise on Government ROUSSEAU- Social Contract Discourse on the Origins of Inequality SMITH - Wealth of Nations TWAIN - Huckleberry Finn American foundational documents TOLSTOY- War and Peace HEGEL- Phenomenology of Spirit MARX- Capital KIERKEGAARD- Fear and Trembling NIETZSCHE- Beyond Good and Evil DOSTOEVSKY- Brothers Karamazov TOCQUEVILLE- Democracy in America LINCOLN- Speeches FREUD- Interpretation of Dreams The Ego and the Id HUSSERL - Phenomenology LEWIS- God in the Dock, Essays |
Enlightenment Enlightened Despots French Revolution American Revolution Rise of Liberalism Industrialization American Expansion German Political History Napoleon American Civil War |
Pre-Calc/ Advanced Mathematics Physics I |
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