Great Books Education



    June 12-15th, 2024 (official portion)
    June 10th to15th - (other events, please see below)

    Hinrichs' Property
    2634 Bernardo Ave.
    Escondido, CA, 92029


    This page is under construction, so please check back later for more updates.

    Students are encouraged to come with their families.  If you have a local family who will sponsor you, you may come without your family.  If you would like to be hosted or to host a family, please contact

    There is a charge of $200 per family to participate in these four days if a parent will be in attendance for at least half the event.  Students who come without a parent are $250 each.  All attendees will have a fling job (see below).  All parents will have one shift on parent patrol. When sending in payment, please remember your payment for the potluck buyout option if you will be using that.  Please have your payment in along with a list of those attending by May 21st.    We will not allow registrations at the Fling.   Please send to ETS at the address above.  Please do not combine payment for other events or tutorials. To register, please use the REGISTRATION FORM before May 21st to get the free t-shirt.   After June 1st  there is a $25 late fee and you will not get the free t-shirt.

    All current students of ETS and their families are welcome to come.  

    A note about younger siblings:  All younger siblings planning to attend the Fling for any portion of time MUST be in attendance on Wednesday when the boundaries and rules are explained.  If you need to have your children on the property, they may either sit with you and read a book or be part of the organized children's activities.  Parents who bring younger children will be helping with the children's activities- please use the sign-up genius to find when you will be helping with the activities. Sibling Activites at the Fling If your child plans to dance or sit quietly throughout the day, he or she will be a welcome addition, otherwise, please have them at the organized children's events.     

    Choral singing is a large part of the fling.  We will all be singing together - particularly those who have never sung harmony before and don't think they can do it!  In order to create the most harmony possible while we gather, please practice our songs before you come.  You will first need to install the free finale notepad on your computer.  You can find details on where to find this and the finale files for all the songs we will be singing at music/.  Below is a list of the songs we will work on.  The more you work beforehand, the more fun we will be able to have when we gather.  You can easily hear most of these songs on the fling play list.

    Angels We Have Heard On High
    Fairest Lord Jesus
    Dona Nobis Pacem - Palestrina
    Choral 72 Saint Matthew Passion - Bach
    Dies Irae - Mozart
    Gloria - Vivaldi
    Hallelujah Chorus - Handel
    For Unto us a Child is Given - Handel
    He Shall Purify - Handel
    Sicut Cervus - Palestrina
    Jubilate Deo - Orlando di Lasso
    Angel's Carroll - Rutter

    If you would like to see pictures of our past Flings, please see the ETS yearbook or the fling promo video.

    Please acquaint yourself with the ETS dress code before coming.  It will be enforced, so please err on the side of modesty as you plan your wardrobe.  We will have t-shirts to hand out to those who come inappropriately attired.  Please carefully read over with your children the fling rules and study the fling handout so that you can get through the potluck line quickly.

    Everyone at the fling needs to have their own non-disposable water bottle.  Disposable water bottles are not invited to the fling. The plastic cups will not be out this year.  There will be water to refill your bottles.  Please make sure to make your bottle clearly labeled.  
    Getting to eat lunch each day will depend on your knowledge of Greek.  Please make sure you can read the back of your ETS t-shirt as you will be tested on it.  Here is a helpful video  Go to 5:30 for the back of the t-shirt.

    We will need to meet in front of the hall for larger events and sun cover would be very helpful.  If you have a beach umbrella that you could bring, that would be very helpful.  You can place an umbrella in a 5 gallon bucket filled with rocks to hold it up.

    To register, please use the registration form before June 1st.  Please remember to include the shirt size of all current students on the form (Adult S,M,L,XL).  Each current student  at the fling gets a free T-Shirt .  If you would like extra t-shirts, please order separately by June 1st. Please watch the fling introduction video before coming.

    To know what to bring each day for the potluck, please use these links-
    Wednesday -
    Thursday -
    Friday -

    Saturday -

    See you in Escondido!

    Mr. and Mrs. Hinrichs

    • Tuesday - June 11th  ** Optional **

       All students and their families are welcome to attend any portion of the Tuesday presentations that they like.  However, if you come, you must be watching the lectures.

    Online or Local Paper Presentations 

    - 5:00


               5:30 Great Books Five Dinner

    This dinner is only for the GBT V students. Attire is semi-formal.  Please bring one quote to read from your GBT reading that you thought particularly memorable.  Also, please bring one item to hold during our group picture that represents your particular interests outside of GBT.

           Wednesday - June 12th
    8:30 Arrival Time
    9:00 - 10:00
    Fling introduction

    Paper Presentations
    10:00 - 11:00 
    11:00 - 12:00 
    12:00 - 2:00
    Lunch- Sports and Play Practice

    Sports- Please be sure to wear shoes that will be suited to some physical activity.  We will have volleyball, croquet, basketball, bocce, badminton and garden chess.
    Potluck buyout option. If you would not like to bring food for the potluck, simply include $20 for each of your family members coming to the fling and we will purchase pizza,with the money.

    2:00 - 3:00 Singing Practice
    3:00 - 5:00 Informal Debate

    We will be having an introduction to debate and then holding our own group debate.  This year's topic will be: RESOLVED: "Creon's actions regarding the body of Polynices were wholly unjust and indicative of the tyrannical abuse of his office."  GBT 1 students will be presenting arguments- it would be wise to come with an outline of what you consider to be the best arguments and to write up the best arguments you made in your paper on 3x5 cards so that they can be quickly assembled into an opening speech. GBT III students will be acting as team coordinators and debate coaches.  GBT V students will play the part of jury and judge in our final debate. 

    7:00- Dance Practice - you may dress semi-formally, if you wish, as long as your attire is in accordance with the dress code.

    If you would like to be part of our fling bluegrass band for the country dancing, please see the music page.  Please bring your favorite fingerfood.

      Thursday - June 13th

    Paper Presentations
    8:30 Arrival Time
    9:00 -

    10:00 -

    12:00 - 2:00 Lunch Sports and Play Practice
    2:00 - 3:00 Singing Practice

    3:15 - 5:00 Septathalon - Please make sure to wear sport shoes!  
    7:00-9:00 Movie and Discussion - Collateral Beauty

      Friday - June 14th

    Paper Presentations
    8:30 Arrival Time
    10:00 -
    11:00 -
  • 12:00 - 2:00 Lunch- Sports and Play Practice

    2:00- 6:00 Free Afternoon- Good time to get ready for the ball and practice for Saturday

    2:00 -

    5:00 - 6:30 Portrait Time Each family and each student will receive a free portrait.
    7:00 – 9:00 Ball

    Dress code- Formal/Semi formal. *** Please see the ETS dress code  before you purchase your clothing for the ball, so as to avoid the  need to return a gown or modify it in order to fit the guidelines. If you would like to be part of our fling bluegrass band for the country dancing, please see the music page


      Saturday - June 15th (Alumni Day!)

     Alumni Day- Alumni, please come and join us for this day!
    8:30 Arrival Time
    Paper Presentations
    9:00 -
    10:00 -

    11:00 -

    12:00 - 2:00 Lunch- Sports and Play Practice

    3:00 Music and Poetry Recital

    If you would like to play a piece of music or recite poetry for the recital, please contact: . Only live accompanists are allowed during the recital- no canned (recorded) music please. Please take note of the following guidelines. Please let the coordinator know by the evening of Monday, June 13th. Also, please sign up to perform only if you are sure you can do so--if at all possible, we would rather not have to remove anyone from the program. The recital not be any longer than 2 hours, so we will need to know how long your performance will be. music of any style is welcome, so long as there is no need of electronic amplification. At present there is no time limit, but if the recital gets too long I may have to remove some numbers (i.e., ask some students to play only one piece instead of two or three. ;)) We will also need the name of the piece and the composer's name. Please do not sign up until you are sure of those details. Thank you all for your cooperation--we hope to make this recital as enjoyable as possible!

    As part of the musical recital, we will have a family singing contest. If you would like to particpate, please download a copy of Harmony at Home and learn one of the peices in that book. Prizes will be a $75, $50 and $25 amazon gift cards.

    7:00 Theater - TBA
    Please prepare a 5-7 minute comic or serious play for presentation and get your hopes set on winning a glorious mason jar filed with coke bottle tops.

    8:30 Presentation of GBT V boxes
    9:00 Singing and goodbyes
    10:00ish End
        Lodging         Hotels : Comfort Inn

    Motel Mediteran:  This is the closest (and also appears to be the cheapest in our area) motel to the Hinrichs' property.  ETS families who have stayed there have said that it isn't fancy, but very clean.

    Off-site camping

  • There are many details to remember the week of the Fling.  Hopefully, this checklist will help simplify things.


    1. Your contribution to the daily potluck.  We have an oven, lots of plugs for crockpots, and a refrigerator available for use.    ***Please note: We do not have a microwave, so plan accordingly. You may also choose to do the potluck buyout option.  Please see the Fling webpage for more information. 

    2. Dishes to use during lunch and/or dinner potluck for four days.  (Plates, forks, napkins)

    3. Non-disposable water bottles (Please do not bring disposable cups or water bottles.  People are wonderful about cleaning up after themselves, but somehow, we continue to find disposable plastic and paper cups (and disposable water bottles) in unusual places around the property after most events.)

    4. Sunscreen and hats. (It was in the high 90's and as high as 113 degrees one year)

    5. Jackets, sweatshirts, and/or blankets in case it is cold.  (It was in the low 60's and drizzly another year)

    6.  Lawn chairs identified with your family name.  We have a number of folding chairs, but not enough to accommodate the amount of people on the property.  Many lawnchairs are left after each Fling, so it is nice to know who they belong to so we can get them back to you.

    7. Please remember to bring copies of all texts that we will be using for reader's theaters. 
    8. Label all jackets, lawnchairs, water bottles, dishes, etc. so that your things do not end up being taken to Goodwill after two months of not being claimed.



       Fling jobs - Please check back for more details on these positions.  All fling attendees must volunteer for a position.  It is helpful if you can signup for a position that you have already done.
    Job Duties Duration Family    
    Breakfast tabler Hand People bagels in the morning. Please arrive at 8:30.    
    Bathroom cleaner Clean the bathroom after lunch and dinner time 1 day Main-
    Hall Blower  Blow the Hall and surrounding patios at dinner time.  Please close windows!!
    Needs to be able to run a blower
    4 days  
    Ice Getter Keep the ice cooler full of ice each day 4 days
    Water Fillers Keep the water jugs full each day 4 days  
    Trashman Keep the trashcans emptied and lined with fresh bags. Break down pizza boxes and stack each day. 4 days  
    Afternoon cleaner Walk the property each afternoon to pickup trash 4 days  
    Parent Patrol  Parent patrol to periodically walk the property during activities.
        Please make students are attending all scheduled activities.
        Please make sure rules are being obeyed on the property.
    4 days
    Prefling clean Clean the hall and property and move machinery-
    Monday before fling, 9-12noon
    1 Morning
    Postfling clean Clean the hall and property and move machinery-Monday after fling
    9-12 noon
    1 Morning
    Kitchen Helper Come to the kitchen at 11 and help set up for the potluck.  Help clear the tables and wash up dishes after the potluck. 1 Day Wed:  
    Bagellady Pick up at New York Bagel in Rancho Bernardo each day at 2:50. 858-451-1190. Starts Tuesday afternoon! 4 days
    Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri
    Parking Attendant Please help people unload their cars in the circle so that they can quickly move their cars along and let the next person unload.  Please arrive at 8:20  4 Days  
    Captain Fun Organize kids activities 4 Days  
    Fun Assistants Help children's activities 2 Mornings ,
    Fling Photograher Take pictures 4 days
    Recital coordinator Coordinate music recital  






